Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pajama Day in Kindergarten!

Just a reminder that tomorrow and Thursday is pajama day in Kindergarten! It is sooo cold, so you will need to make sure that your child has nice warm ones on. They can bring slippers to change into when we are at school.

Our morning will stay the same but we will get on the Polar Express (It is okay. It is just a pretend train but still LOTS of fun!!) to leave for the North Pole around 12:00!!! Yipee!! Oh what fun.......

Oh yea, no worries! We will be back to school around 2:35 so you can pick us up!!!!

1 comment:

rkdines said...

I can't wait to see pics... you must have had fun- Claire came home and crashed. It must of been hard work going on the Polar Express:)