Monday, November 16, 2009

a PeEk At LaSt WeEk...


In case you were wondering what we were working on last week, here is a little "peek" from some of our activities. We worked hard on the letter Hh and the alphafriend Hattie Horse. To finish the week, Mrs. Ryan always puts something in the sound box to have us guess what might be in it. (We are also learning to ask questions and what the difference is between a question and a story! But we just like it because if we guess what is in the box, we get to keep it!) Of course it started with the /h/ sound! It was a bunch of Horns for us to blow while we sang our new song! (Parents, I do hope you know that I apologized and smiled as I sent them home for you to listen to! No need to say thanks!! :-))
We also talked about Veterans Day and made flag windsocks to fly and show how much we appreciate the men and women that protect and work for our country! It is an honor to be an American and we wanted to take some time out to think about all of our Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles and others that help us! So if you are one of them, please accept our very best, "Thank you"!!!
However, the best part of last week was that we started to read! Really read! We know know our very first vowel and we are blending sounds with it to make words! Please help us practice at home! Practice makes us better and we are VERY excited about our new skill! We should know the letters a,b,h,m,n,r,s and t! This means that we can actually read words like hat, cat, man, ham, and tab! Aren't we amazing? We think so!!!
(A MUST share from your teacher: During our workshop time, the kids work on their Must Do's, Next Do's and then may go to choices. Choices are usually "housekeeping", play table, puzzles, etc. My highlight thus far was when four students got together and decided to play "teacher" and did blending, letter sounds and letter identification together at the carpet in a pretend "meeting". What a wonderful moment for me as a teacher! I am so very blessed! They will never know how much that inspired me as I watched them practice! So, "C", "R", "R" and "K", thanks for making my day!! I have these moments every day and sometimes I just want to share! Your kids are amazing!
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Friday, November 6, 2009

A Note of Thanks from your Teacher!

I would just like to take minute and tell you how very thankful I am to have met with so many of you during parent/teacher conferences! I am so lucky to have such caring and supportive parents! I enjoyed sharing all the wonderful things your children have learned and I am honored that you allow me to work with someone that is so precious to you! It is because of you that my job looks and is easy! I value you and appreciate your support and all the extra hard work you do to make Kindergarten a success! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I love my days with your kids! I have the best profession in the world and am so blessed! Please know that you are the best and that even in the midst of some hard changes, we are excelling because of you!
Take some time to celebrate with your child! They have all come so far and in so many different ways! See you on Monday when we will be ready to get back to work!
(An added bonus for all of you football fans that are trying to convert us...I added the Boise State football schedule in upcoming events, just for you! You know who you are! Cornhuskers...Buckeyes..Vandals...geez!!! GO BIG BLUE!!!!!)

A sPoOkY question....

Have you ever wondered what a Kindergartner would say if you asked them what their pumpkin looked like? It is always an adventure to watch them aimlessly wander through the pumpkin patch searching for the perfect pumpkin! For some it is a quick pick..the first one they find. Then there are some that will search and search and search, always claiming that each one is "just not it". Sometimes there can be quite a lot of thought put into finding just the perfect pumpkin that it makes you wonder, what do they really see? Does the pumpkin actually resemble something that makes them decide that is the one to step on the vine, twist and then pull? (These are strict Farmer Feist instructions for picking a pumpkin!) So, I thought I would ask and here are your children's answers to the question...
What or who does your pumpkin look like?

KiNdErGaRtEn the pumpkin patch!!

We did it!!! Even in the midst of horrible winds and an ice bitting chill in the air, we went to the pumpkin patch! Our day started with hard work during our reading block, enjoying some pizza together as a class while we waited for the bus and our parent teachers (Thanks office for providing us with lunch! It was YUMMY!) and then away we went to the pumpkin patch! We enjoyed ever minute of our special day! A HUGE thanks goes to the helpers that came with us or met us while we were there! You made our day so very special and we appreciate each and everyone of you! We hope you enjoy some special pictures of our day!