Sunday, December 13, 2009

A tRiP oN tHe PoLaR eXpReSs!!!!!

What an amazing time!!! The trip on the Polar Express was a perfect way to end our week of learning the letter Pp. It was a fun filled day with a train ride (for pretend!), cocoa and marshmallows (Yummy juice for "D" who is allergic to milk!), The Polar Express story, great practice sewing and learning to tie-(keep helping us so we can tie our own shoes!) on a candy cane, then a train ride back to school! Then, guess what?!!?!??! When we were getting our FISH folders and coats and backpacks, we received a package from the Santa Claus!!! Mr. Silzly and Mrs. Biery brought it to us right when it arrived to school! Inside, there were bells that were still cold just like the North Pole! The best part was that everyone single one of us could hear the bells-meaning we believe!!!!
I know I enjoyed the day and LOVED seeing my students faces and their excitement! Once again, I am in awe watching my students learn and enjoy life! What truly wonderful days. I love my job!!! Your children are perfect and so much fun! I hope you enjoy a few of the pictures of our day(s)!

Special Guests!!!

Last week, we were given a very special treat! A few of my former students, now First Graders, came and read to us a play!! It was a silly play about Santa in a parade with just his underwear on and they did an amazing job!!! We laughed like crazy through the whole thing!! I was so proud of how well they are reading and the Kindergartners were mesmerized by the "big" kids and what they were going to be doing when they move on. (Sniff, sniff!)
Thanks BIG First Graders/Mrs. Brookes! Thank you for thinking of us and coming in to read to us! You made our day! You are nothing short of amazing!!! We can't wait to be just like you!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pajama Day in Kindergarten!

Just a reminder that tomorrow and Thursday is pajama day in Kindergarten! It is sooo cold, so you will need to make sure that your child has nice warm ones on. They can bring slippers to change into when we are at school.

Our morning will stay the same but we will get on the Polar Express (It is okay. It is just a pretend train but still LOTS of fun!!) to leave for the North Pole around 12:00!!! Yipee!! Oh what fun.......

Oh yea, no worries! We will be back to school around 2:35 so you can pick us up!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

OuR cHrIsTmAs WiShEs!!!

Christmas in Kindergarten is the best time of year! It is an amazing time of excitement and full of wonder and wishes! We hope you will enjoy reading our Christmas wishes for this year!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hopefully you have heard by now that we had our annual Kindergarten Feast last week before the break! Well, not "just" a feast. A feast with little Pilgrims and Native Americans and LOTS of food! What could be better in a 5 year old's life than to end a unit on the First Thanksgiving with friends,food and fun centerst!!
Thanks to all the wonderful parent support and all of the items that were donated to make our feast a success! We spent the first part of the day practicing our letters, the sounds each letter makes and reading together. Then we kicked off the celebration by combining our classes for the big Feast. We played the part of the Pilgrims this year and I must say that we were the best Pilgrims ever!
After our bellies were full with WAY to much food, we spent the afternoon doing "special" centers like making a sweet little turkey made out of our own little hands, (Enjoy them! They will only stay that small for a little while!) we made bracelets with beads to help us remember the first Thanksgiving story, (Just ask us, we would be more than glad to share!) we played some addition turkey bingo,(Shhh, we know it is First grade math but noone knows! Oh and Yes, Mrs. Ryan is so proud of us!) and we even made a turkey out of an apple to take home for a centerpiece. We were busy!!! A great way to end the week and get ready for our own family feasts at home!

I hope you enjoyed your time with your child over the Thanksgiving Break! I sure enjoy my time with your child!! Once again, I am thankful for all of you! You and your child make my job look easy and are such a special part of my life! Thank you!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!