Monday, December 29, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Little Bit About Our Week!

Can you believe that the week is almost 1/2 over? We have been very busy making a special surprise for you and learning the letter Gg and the sound it makes. The hard part about G is that its most common sound, cannot be heard when saying the letter name. Your extra help at home would be most helpful!

We will be having our Christmas party on Thursday, December 18th. There is NO Kindergarten on Friday, December 19th due to an early release day for the upper grades. This year, we will be doing a Holidays Around The World theme and be going to each Kindergarten class to learn about 3 different Holiday traditions. It will be a lot of fun!! After our centers, we will come back into our classroom to decorate Christmas cookies together! I am excited to watch the kids and see their creations! I am sure there will be some amazingly decorated cookies! If you signed up to help, please come to school with your child at the beginning of the day. If you would like to send something (Please don't feel the pressure!) for decorating cookies, we would really appreciate it! Whatever you think would be a nice topping for a cookie would be perfect! Thank you so much for donating your time and supplies to our class! Our party wouldn't be a success without you!!

Thank you for all you do and giving me the opportunity to work with your child and you! I do enjoy it!!!! I hope to see you on Thursday!!! Take care and be safe out there on those roads!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

On ThE pOlAr ExPrEsS.....

The trip on the Polar Express was a perfect way to end our week of learning the letter Pp. It was a fun filled day with a train ride (for pretend!), cocoa, The Polar Express story, a great craft making a Santa Windsock, then a train ride back to school! I know I enjoyed the day and LOVED seeing their faces and excitement! Once again, I am in awe watching my students learn and enjoy life! What a truly wonderful day. I love my job!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Quick reminder.....

Tomorrow we will be having our Pajama day and taking a trip on the Polar Express to celebrate a week of learning the letter Pp! Don't forget to have your child wear their PJ's! They will still need to wear shoes but they can bring slippers to wear during class!!!! It will be a perfect time to party!!! Thanks for helping to make it a special day for us!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

KiNdErGaRtEn ChRiStMaS wIsHeS!!!!

Christmas in Kindergarten is the best time of year! It is such a time of excitement and full of wonder and wishes! We hope you will enjoy reading our Christmas wishes for this year!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Little Bit about Callie Cat

Callie Cat can bake a cake and cover it with candy.
Callie Cat can bake some cornbread too! Callie is so handy!
Callie Cat can back some cupcakes. Her cupcakes are so cakey.
Callie bakes some cookies too! Her cookies are so flaky!

Bet you couldn't guess what letter/alphafriend we are meeting this week?!?!?! The letter C!!! Even though Callie is an amazing cat that can cook (Sure wish she could teach me!), the best part about learning the letter C is that our favorite holiday begins with it, CHRISTMAS!! Oh Boy!!! In Kindergarten, this is the best time of year! It is so much fun to watch the kids get excited about the holidays! We even had a parent donate a real tree this year but we had to say No. I guess it is a BIG school rule and against all safety codes to have a real tree! I hated to say no but figured that I need my job and would miss the kids terribly if I couldn't stay and teach the rest of the year! Mr. Silzly was very nice and tried to make it easier on us, but we were sad! In fact, I think I had tears in my eyes but thanks to Beau and family for trying! Wouldn't it have been nice? The thought will have to do! So, when you come in, just imagine a great smelling Christmas tree in the corner where our Chicka Boom Boom Tree is. We do have some lights up and we will start Christmas projects to help our room look more festive! Come in sometime and see! Maybe we can talk you into staying a while and helping us out! We would love to have you!!! In the meantime, have fun looking for all the words that begin with the letter C. Be careful, as we learned is a tricky letter. It can sometimes be confused with the letter K!