Monday, January 5, 2009

WeLcOmE BaCk!!!!!!!!

What a way to start back with the snow, ice and wind! Yipee!! It was hard getting up and going, especially with the fun roads but once I got to school and the kids started to show up, things were perfect! I got to hear all kinds of wonderful stories (Some I promise to keep to myself and only believe half of!! Teehee!) and it sounds like Santa was wonderful to everyone! I sure did miss my students and loved seeing them again! Two weeks seems like forever ago and I am almost certain some of them have grown. I know there were a handful of teeth lost!!
We are starting our 2nd quarter assessments for report cards this week and next week, so make sure to have your child work on letter identification, letter sounds, counting, etc. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by those that I worked with today! Thank you for all that you do! Your children are amazing and becoming quite the little readers!!
Homework was sent home for this week, so remember to read for at least 10 minutes and log it on the recording sheet and then do the short activity for each day. Please have your child bring in the homework on Friday, so I can give them credit for their work!
I am so excited for what this New Year will have in store for each of my students. I know that I have the best job there is and am so thankful that you have allowed me to work with your child!
Here is to a great start and an amazing 2009!!!! Please make sure to keep in touch, via e-mail, notes or even comments on our blog! Hopefully our blog has been a good tool for you to stay informed and see what is happening. We LOVE comments, so keep them coming!

1 comment:

Bunnell's said...

Maddi was so excited to go back to school. During Christmas break said "Mom, do you think Mrs. Ryan remembers to go back to school." She loves you.