Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter Weather Reminder

A quick reminder to please make sure your children are coming dressed for the cold weather. While we try to hold them inside from recess when weather is hindering, there are days where we may be outside if possible. I do try to give them an option of going out or staying in even when the office staff has made the decision to go out. However, there are times when I have a meeting and/or I cannot allow them to do that. Even when the weather is okay to be out, they still encounter cold weather and wet conditions. Our office does not have enough extra socks and clothes to accommodate many students who end up being soaked from puddles. Today some of our kids, were pretty wet and miserable trying to learn in class with wet clothes. Thanks so much to the parents that come and brought us clothes during the day.
As a precaution, it is a good idea to send your child with an extra pair of socks and/or pants in their backpack, "just in case"!
Please don't forget coats, hats, mittents, etc. for playing outside as well!

Thank you for your help in keeping us safe and warm this winter!!! I appreciate all that you do to help to make our learning environment the best one possible!!!

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