Tuesday, November 11, 2008


October 29th and 30th
I enjoyed meeting with each and everyone of you during parent/teacher conferences! You are all truly amazing people and your children bless me each and every day! Thank you for taking time out of busy schedules and lives to meet!! I understand how hard it is to fit one more thing into an already packed day but I also value your support and input! Please praise your child on their accomplishments! Everyone of them has worked very hard! We are learning and that is the most important focus!
On a personal note, thank you to the parents that offered suggestions and feedback on the evaluation! I do value you and are so glad that we are working together as a team! My strongest desire is that your child leaves Kindergarten (sniff, sniff...) with a lifelong love of learning and the attitude that they can do anything if given the opportunity! Please stay in touch! I truly appreciate you allowing me to work with your child and alongside of you!

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