Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Little Parent Chalk Talk

September 2008
A little note about my absence! Just in case you were wondering why I haven't been in school lately..... I have been asked to attend a class to learn how to use our reading series with fidelity and confidence. Even though I have hated being out of the classroom and not spending the day with your kids, I have learned so much and really have enjoyed each and every minute of it! All I have been learning is amazing and I realize some things are going to have to change, especially our daily routine. The most noticeble will be the "daily four" centers will be no longer the bulk of our day! I hate to say goodbye to something that I am used to but I can and appreciate the need for the change. As a district, we are now required to spend 60 minutes in Kinder. (Yes, I said 60 minutes (1 hour!) with whole group instruction based on phonics, reading strategies and other various reading activities. The guided instruction is a missing component of the "daily four" and will be a great place for me to assure each child is getting specific instruction to help them become successful readers. So for those of you that have worked with me before, hang on! We are going to change things up a bit!!!

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